To: Staff, Students, Parents, Guardians and School Organizations
Re: Notification of Availability of the District Asbestos Management Plan

In accordance with the Federal Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) of 1987 (40CFR Part 763), the Tuckahoe Union Free School District is required to give annual notification of the availability for inspection of the Asbestos Management Plan for each building in the District.

The EPA requires the District to maintain an Asbestos Management Plan to identify and manage any asbestos containing building materials including visual inspections, response actions, post response actions, periodic re-inspections and surveillance activities that are planned or in progress. In addition, before the start of any asbestos removal project, the District will make sure all building occupants are properly notified and all signage will indicate the scope of work. The District performs visual inspections and periodic surveillance of any existing asbestos every six months, as well as an in-depth detailed triennial inspection. Periodic surveillance is conducted in December and June of each year. The latest triennial inspection was completed in April, 2016.

The Asbestos Management Plan for each building is kept in the main office of each building and is available for review during regular school business hours or by making a special appointment. A copy of the Asbestos Management Plan is also kept in the District’s Central Office. Questions regarding the Asbestos Management Plan can be addressed to Lee Lew, Assistant Superintendent for Business, by telephone at (914) 792-7625 or by email at