Board meeting agendas, minutes, policies and trustee information
are accessible in BoardDocs.

Board of Education meetings will be held at approximately 7:30 PM in the Middle/High School auditorium following Executive Session unless otherwise noted.  Board of Education regular meetings and workshops are live streamed on the Live Stream Quick Link at

 BOE Calendar 2024-2025

Meeting Procedures

The Board of Education recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and matters of public interest.  In order to permit the fair and orderly expression of public comment, the following rules shall govern and will be administered.

Please note that the first public comment period is limited to comments on items on the meeting’s agenda. Personnel matters will not be discussed at any time during a public meeting.  The second public comment period at the end of the business meeting is a time for community members to ask questions or make statements regarding either the evening’s agenda or a particular issue or concern.  The Board will take such issues under advisement. Neither public comment period is a time for public discussion.  If necessary, the community member will be contacted for follow-up by the appropriate staff member.

  • If you wish to speak, see the District Clerk to place your name and address on the sign-in list, indicating the topic of your comments.
  • Prior to making your comment:
    • State your name for the record
    • Identify any group or organization you represent
  • Comments are limited to three (3) minutes or less per speaker. A speaker may not yield his/her time to another speaker in order to extend the time for comment.
  • No speaker may comment on or identify any particular student or employee by name or situation in his/her comments.
  • All comments are to be directed to the Board president or designee. 
  • Handouts and/or petitions are to be given only to the district clerk for distribution to the Board. The Board will receive and consider all written comments.

2024-2025 Regular Meetings

Thursday, July 11*
Monday, August 19
Monday, September 9
Tuesday, October 15 (pre: School Board Recognition)
Tuesday, November 12
Monday, December 9
Monday, January 6
Monday, February 3
Monday, March 10 (Budget Review)
Tuesday, April 22 (Budget Adoption & Annual BOCES Meeting/Vote)
Tuesday, May 20 (Annual Vote & Trustee Election)*
Monday, June 16


*Policy 2210 states the re-org meeting will be on the first Tuesday of July unless it is a legal holiday in which case it will be the first Wednesday. Policies 1050 and 2210 (based on state law) notes the date of the election will be the third Tuesday in May.

2024-2025 Workshops

Tuesday, September 24
Monday, October 28
Monday, November 25
Tuesday, January 21
Monday, February 24
Tuesday, April 29, Budget Review
Monday, May 5, Budget Hearing
Monday, June 2