Communication and Contact Page

Tuckahoe Pupil Personnel Staff



Pupil Personnel Staff

Dr. Catherine Sweeney
Director of Special Education and Student Services
(914) 337-6600 Ext. 1255

Vanessa Lopes
Assistant to the Director of Special Education and Student Services
(914) 337-6600 Ext. 1226

Communication in Tuckahoe

In Tuckahoe Special Education and Student Services, being partners with our parents and families is a top priority. Please know that we are always open for conversation and look forward to our partnership. Feel free to reach out at any time with questions, comments, praise, or concerns.

Q&A: Where do I go for help? How does this all work?

Q: Who do I contact if I have a kindergarten through second grader that I believe is having some learning challenges?

A: Always contact the child's teacher first. If you would like additional resources and support, please contact Sabrina Peduto, School Psychologist, at (914) 337-5376 x1305 or


Q: Who do I contact if I have a third through fifth grader that I believe is having some learning challenges?

A: Always contact the child's teacher first. If you would like additional resources and support, please contact Dr. Randi Newman, School Psychologist, at (914) 337-5376 x1223 or .


Q: Who do I contact if I have a sixth through twelfth grader that I believe is having some learning challenges?

A: The child's guidance counselor is a good place to start. In the middle school, that is Debbie DiFrancesco at (914)337-5376 x1246. In the high school, contact Jessica Perillo at x1238 for last names in the first part of the alphabet and Bryan Costa at x1254 for last names in the last part of the alphabet.  If you would like additional resources and support, please contact Erik Solivan, School Psychologist, at (914) 337-5376 x1228 or


Q: How does the referral process begin?

A: The answer depends on whether the child is preschool age (ages 3-4) or school age.

Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE)

The Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) is responsible for identifying preschool students (ages 3-4) with disabilities and arranging for the delivery of special education services to eligible students. A preschool student with a disability is one who, as determined by an individual evaluation, exhibits a significant delay or disorder in one or more functional areas related to cognitive, language and communication, adaptive, social-emotional, or motor development which adversely affects the student’s ability to learn. A broad range of related services and special education programs are available to meet the educational needs of preschool students with disabilities.

If a parent or guardian suspects that his or her child has a disability or delay, a referral for evaluation must be made in writing to the Committee on Preschool Special Education, 65 Siwanoy Boulevard, Eastchester, NY 10709. All students referred to the CPSE must be enrolled in the school district. To register your child, please contact the District Registrar, Mrs. Karen Barros at (914) 337-6600 ext. #1262. Once registration is completed, a packet containing consent to evaluate and a list of state approved evaluation sites in Westchester County is sent home to parents.

Committee on Special Education (CSE)

As a parent, you may suspect that your child is having difficulties and suspect there may be an underlying disability. It is important to first arrange a conference with the classroom teacher, school psychologist or school counselor. Response to Intervention (RTI) at the building level is a key component in the pre-referral process. The parent and building specialists should plan a course of action that will provide additional building level support services. These can include, but are not limited to, support by the reading or learning specialist teacher, program modifications etc. If after multiple interventions, the RTI Team in a building or a parent feels a referral to the CSE is warranted, then a request is made in writing to the Special Education Office requesting the referral and evaluation of the student. Referrals can be made in writing to the Special Education Office, 65 Siwanoy Boulevard, Eastchester, NY 10709.

For further information you may contact:
Mrs. Sabrina Peduto, Psychologist/CSE Chairperson (grades PK-2) at 337-5376 ext. #1305
Dr. Randi Newman, Psychologist/CSE Chairperson (grades 3-5) at 337-5376 ext. #1223
Mr. Erik Solivan, Psychologist/CSE Chairperson (grades 6-12) at 337-5376 ext. #1228